17076592_225611124573524_1301719723158798336_n Steve-Madden4 Steve-Madden3Is it the 3rd of March already? Here are some of this month’s plans!

Travel: this afternoon I’ll be traveling to Marrakesh. Steve Madden invited a couple of bloggers and we’re going on a girls trip! I’m taking Lise with me and we’re both preeetttty excited. Never been to Morocco, but since it’s an Arabic country it does feel a bit familiar some way. When I tell people I’m going to Marrakesh, most of them tell me it’s really nice, the food is amazing, but that I should be careful (for pickpockets or scams etc.).

Blog: I want to spend more time on my blog. Now that the grey, rainy winter days are over *knock on wood*, I can get back to taking outfit pictures on the streets while it’s sunny. I love spring fashion, so hurry up warm weather!

YouTube: yes YouTube, that’s a new category. I want to start making weekly vlogs! I’m doubting between Dutch and English vlogs though. Personally, dutch would be easier but I have more international followers than Dutch followers, so it would be more logic to do it in English. Decisions decisions.. Any opinions? Please help me out! :-)

Hair: I went to the hairdresser yesterday to go a bit darker! In my next blog post you will see how it turned out.

Family: the best of all.. this month my sister is expecting her second baby. I can’t wait to meet my new little nephew! Come already! (But please after my Marrakesh trip, otherwise I can’t rush to see you!) ♥

Some spring items:



    • Erika 9 March 2017 / 13:59

      I agree! :)

  1. Sarah 4 March 2017 / 14:01

    where is this cardigan from please? x

    • stephsa 8 March 2017 / 12:14

      It’s from H&M! Bought it a while ago though, I think last fall? Hope they stil have it (or something familiar)! XXX

  2. nancy 6 March 2017 / 04:54

    I agree with sarah, can you please let us know where your cardigan is from? so cute xoxo

    • stephsa 8 March 2017 / 14:10

      Hey Nancy, thank you! It’s from H&M! Xx

  3. Ev 14 March 2017 / 13:58

    You can do vlogs in your language with English subtitles :D

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