Hey guys! How’s your weekend? I spent most of yesterday together with friends. Our plan was to sail on the canals, but it was raining the whole day so we ended up doing stuff indoors. First, we had lunch at our place, then we went to the movie theater. We saw Girls Night Out and it was quite funny! After that we had dinner at Loetje, a steak restaurant that I can really recommend. So even though it was a rainy day, we made the most out of it :-) Today I’m cleaning up the house and maybe my brother will come by later. Anyway, here are some outfits I posted on Instagram lately! XXX

Hey daar! Hoe is jouw weekend? Ik was gister de hele dag gezellig met vrienden. Ons plan was om te gaan varen op de grachten, maar aangezien het de hele dag regende, zijn we maar binnen gebleven. Eerst hadden we lunch bij ons thuis, daarna zijn we naar de bios gegaan. We hebben de film Girls Night Out gekeken en die was best leuk! Vervolgens zijn we naar Loetje gegaan om daar een hapje te eten. Echt een aanrader. Ook al was het dus een regenachtige dag, we hebben er het beste van gemaakt :-) Vandaag ga ik een beetje opruimen en later komt m’n broer waarschijnlijk even langs. Anyway, hier zijn wat outfits die ik de laatste tijd op Instagram heb geplaatst! XXX
19955008_1959357227634155_795209011556253696_nForever21 dress (here) // Steve Madden sandals (here) // Gucci bag (here)
Brandy Melville top (similar) // Urban Outfitters bralette (here) // Luilu necklace (here)
Kapten & Son sunglasses (here) // Revolve Dress (here)
Ale by Allessandra x Revolve dress (here)
Loavies dress (here) // Forever21 hat (here) // Gucci bag (here)
Mango cardigan (here) // Urban Outfitters tee (here) // Mango skirt (here)
Zara sweater (similar) // Camelia Roma bag (here) // Tigha pants (similar)


steph steph2Photos from yesterday :) 

Guuuys, long time no speak! I haven’t uploaded in forever and I feel sorry about that. The fact that I didn’t upload for a month, wasn’t planned or anything, it just happened. But I’m going to try to make sure it won’t happen again. I missed blogging and feel excited to do this again. I’m not planning to upload everyday, but I think about 3-4 times a week. What do you like to see on here? Outfit posts, diaries, inspiration posts, something else? I’d love to hear some ideas!! Xxx

Guuuys, lang niet gesproken! Ik heb zo lang niet geblogd en het spijt me. Deze ‘pauze’ was niet gepland of iets, maar het gebeurde gewoon. Helaas. Ik ga er voor zorgen dat het niet vaker gaat gebeuren. Ik heb blogger echt gemist en heb veel zin om het weer te gaan doen. Ben niet van plan om elke dag te bloggen, maar ongeveer 3-4 keer per week. Wat wil je hier graag zien? Outfit posts, inspiratie posts, diaries, iets anders? Hoor het graag!! Xxx

Denim jacket – Loavies // Dress – Zara // Shoes – Vans // Bag – Camelia Roma


Hey guys!! How are you? Hope you are doing well. At the moment I’m sitting on the train on my way to Paris. Haven’t updated my blog in a really long time, so now is the perfect time! Last week I went to Barcelona, together with Sophie. Unfortunately my phone was stolen, so all I have are these Instagram photos. Nevertheless, I wanted to share them on my blog. So here is a little diary:IMG_0849 IMG_0848 IMG_0853
On the first day, we explored a bit. We stayed in a hotel in the neighborhood called Eixample. It was nice, but next time I would stay somewhere closer to the beach. We also had lunch at Brunch & Cake – it looked super pretty and it tasted quite good, but we had to wait really long.. At night we went to this place called El National and we had delicious tapas! If you’re visiting Barcelona soon, I really recommend this place for dinner.
On the second day, we rented a bicycle and biked to the beach. I loved it here! The perfect spot to chill and relax. Later that day we walked into town, saw Arc The Triomf and took some photos over there like real tourists. Then, we both craved a frappuccino, so we went to Starbucks (again, like real tourists). We sat down at a table, I plugged my phone in a wireless charger in my bag and went to the toilet while Sooph sat at our table. When I came back, my charger was unplugged and that’s when I knew, my phone was gone. Mehh! So we spend the rest of our day at the police station. FUN! But luckily, the day before, I uploaded all of my photos to my laptop, so I only lost a couple of photos. During the night we had dinner at the beach, I can’t remember the name of the place but we just had some Spanish food.
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On the last day we started our day with coffee at a cute Parisian looking restaurant. We walked through the Ramblas and after that we met up with a friend for lunch. She took us to the Greenspot, this place is a vegan restaurant. I order black pizza and it was really good! I also really liked the atmosphere here. Now it’s time to put my laptop away, speak to you soon! Xxx


Turkey Turkey1 Turkey2 Turkey2
Turkey11Turkey3 Turkey9 Turkey10Hey guysss! I’m at home right now, but I was in Turkey last week. I was invited by Corendon, to discover Turkey – Cappadocia & Antalya. On Sunday night we all gathered (and with ‘we’ I mean other bloggers, youtubers, price winners, people who work for Corendon, etc.) at the airport. We flew to Turkey around 10 PM and arrived there during the night. After a cup of coffee we drove to our hot air balloon. Aahhh! So exciting! We watched the sunrise from our balloon and seriously, it was magical. I get so happy thinking about it. By the way, the balloon flight was so smooth?! I didn’t expect that at all. Okay, I’ll continue.. after the balloon flight we had breakfast, overlooking pigeon valley. Around 12 AM we flew to Antalya, which only took one hour. Once we arrived, we had some free time and discovered our resort. Which was huge and really cool :-) In the evening we had dinner at Club Arma and then we drove to the Aspendos theater. Here we watched Karsu sing live and afterwards Ali B performed. Since we basically skipped a night, I wasn’t in the mood for an after party -sorry Sophie- so we went to bed. The morning after we flew back home. It was so fun, I really want to go back soon! XX


18512778_475568342785665_605268502412001280_n (1)18580015_491707157887464_2588596245501050880_n (1)18646640_528348754222092_5622750225035689984_n18513669_206622836523283_5467847956012990464_n18646498_912601035547141_3636209550056488960_n (1)All photos taken in Ibiza, I miss it!

Happy Wednesday girlies! Okay, yesterday I wrote on here about my plan to take pictures of today, but.. that wasn’t a good plan after all. It was a very bad plan actually. The weather has been dark and grey all day and my outfit consisted of a big black sweater, black ripped jeans and black biker boots. I’d rather show some photos of Ibiza for a more joyful vibe :-))
Talking about Ibiza, my next trip is already in 4 days! I’m visiting Turkey for a few days. I’m going on a balloon flight while the sun rises and I’m visiting Antalya. Never been here before and not sure what to expect, but we’ll see! I’ll post an update soon. Enjoy your night! XX



Revolve2 Revolve3 Revolve1A cloudy in Formentera but still a beautiful one <3

Hey guys! Haven’t blogged in a little while but it feels so good to be back here again :-) I’ve been back home for a little while now but still wanted to post these photos. Formentera looks like paradise, I seriously think it has the most beautiful beaches in Europe! When Sam and I were in Formentera it was super cloudy in the morning (when we took these pics) but in the afternoon the sun came through and it became a beautiful, tropical day. Tomorrow I will take photos through the day so I’ll be back here in 24 hours, with a little diary. Talk to you then! X

Dress – Revolve // Bag – Hunkemoller (similar) // Sunglasses – Kapten & Son